Archive for the ‘Soul Eater’ Tag

An “Anime’s” Review: Catching Up Part 3/4

And continuing from where I last left off, here’s another batch of quick scored reviews from yours truly. I don’t know who reads this stuff, but I enjoy doing it just the same. 

Little Busters: 7.5/10

Little Busters is another Key visual novel series turned anime. Unlike some of the other recent entries, which were done by Kyoto Animation, this was in JC Staff. Still, it looks great and it has held many of the Little Busters quirks that the original visual novel had, which I think is a good things. After all, Little Busters is different from some of the other entries in Key’s repertoire.

Magi: 7.3/10

There’s something about red heads~

Minami-ke Tadaima: 7.8/10

Minami-ke is very funny, in my opinion. The splice of life comedy with the three sisters continue and their antics have not changed any.

Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai Season 2: 7.9/10

For the record, the first season would rank well into the 8.x range, but the second one falls short. It does have the same quirks as the first season, but this is the conclusion of Ore no Imouto and that means the cutting off of people’s pairings to get a “true ending”. With that said, it was definitely an enjoyable ride.

Persona 4 the Animation: 8.5/10

If you ever played Persona 4, you will LOVE this series. If you have not, you will still LOVE this series. If you watched any other Persona anime, you will realize this is MUCH BETTER. This series is great. It’s fun. And it covers almost everything from the game. It’s an enjoyable ride. It’s a great experience. Social Link, GO! (Oh yeah, this does not include Persona 4 the Golden stuff, so… too bad?)

Saki Achiga-hen episode of side-A: 7.6/10

I like my high-school-girls-with-yuri-undertones-playing-mahjong anime a lot. Saki Achiga-hen is the side story about some of Nodoka old elementary school friends now in high school and competing to be in nationals, so that they can be on the same stage as Nodoka and play mahjong with her. It’s interesting and the main focus of the series is the Nationals, which covers a lot of the story that the Saki anime hinted at at the very end of the its final episode. You also get to see some surprises as well. It’s a fun series, so watch it!

Sasami-san@Ganbaranai: 7.3/10

Try harder, Sasami-san~ try harder~

Sengoku Collection: 7.1/10

This is a series about various famous Warring States period figures in the modern day… as females. Overall, Sengoku Collection is a series of shorts about each one that has its moments, but some of the stories just fall flat. With that said, some of the episodes are amazing unto themselves and are definitely worth the time to watch.

Soul Eater: 7.4/10

Despite its terrible ending, Soul Eater was a fun watch. And I just have one thing to say about it. *singing* Excalibur~~ Excalibur~~

Sword Art Online: 8.0/10

Sword Art Online reminded me of an idea I had for story some 7 to 8 years ago that I thought would never sell. Apparently, someone had the same idea and made it work, thus SAO was born. And it is amazing.

And with that, there leaves one list of eleven anime series. (Yeah, apparently I miscounted and put eleven new series in there. Oh well~) Until next time, see ya!

Hiatus: Ongoing or Ended?

It’s been almost two years since I’ve posted here without writing anything, even though I’ve watched and finished my fair share of anime, manga, video games, online games, etc, etc. Recently, I decided I’d quit playing Magic the Gathering in favor of playing Cardfight!! Vanguard, which I watched the first season of the anime of. I also finished a ton of anime series, including some on my old backlog, so for old time’s sake, here is a list of newly completed anime series that I recently finished:

A Certain Scientific Railgun S, Binbougami ga!, Cardfight!! Vanguard, Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai, Comic Party, Da Capo III, Excel Saga, Fantasista Doll, Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya, Fate Zero, Gen’ei wo Kakeru Taiyou, Girls und Panzer, Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko, Hyouka, Hyperdimension Neptunia the Animation, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Joshiraku, K, Kamisama Kiss, Kimi to Boku, Little Busters, Magi, Minami-ke Todaima, Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai Season 2, Persona 4 the Animation, Saki Achiga-hen episode of side-A, Sasami-san@Ganbaranai, Sengoku Collection, Soul Eater, Sword Art Online, Tamako Market, Tante Opera Milky Holmes II, Tari Tari, Teekyu, The World God Only Knows~Goddess Arc~, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, XXXholic Season 1, Yuru Yuri S2, Yurumate3dei, Yuyushiki, Zettai Karen Children the Unlimited

40 completed series from the ones I can remember, since I last posted. Not bad~

I will probably do a massive update right after this one going through each one with a brief score review and what I thought of the series too. So for now, matta ne~~